MerciaEdCon 2024: Loud & Proud

Our 2024 conference was held in February at The Octagon Centre, University of Sheffield, in February 2024.
As always, our annual conference evolves each year to meet the CPD needs of the team, current 'hot topics' in education, and Trust priorities. This was our 6th conference, and we believe our most engaging yet!
Oracy is a priority of the Trust, and as such, we were delighted to partner with Sheffield's Poet Laureate, Danae Wellington, and her colleague Tanya Brown. They worked in our schools for 6 months developing pupils' oracy and performance skills in assemblies and workshops across our schools this term. The outcome of this work was a powerful performance of poetry at the conference, all written and performed by our students.
Our primary and secondary colleagues took part in interactive keynote sessions by Voice 21.
With time for colleagues to work together as well as networking, we are enjoyed a brilliant wellbeing presentation by Julie Hurst, as well as the launch of Mercia Star Awards!
An engaging day full of warmth and appreciation.
Such a powerful event, which served to remind us of our core values and to reinvigorate our teamwork and individual teaching practice.
It was a great experience to have time with colleagues from other schools, and generally come together as a trust.
A great opportunity to discuss curriculum with other schools, share good practice and ideas.
It was exceptionally well organised and was a really valuable day. Thank you for also giving the students the opportunity to perform, I know this will stay with them forever.