Meet the Team
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Sarah Bustamante
Primary Improvement Lead
BA (Hons) Psychology
PGCE Primary Education
SLE in English
NASENCO National Award for SENCo
- Over 25 years of experience in primary schools, 6 of those as a senior leader.
- Worked in Senior Leadership Teams in diverse contexts, including schools with high numbers of EAL, SEND and behavioural needs.
- Expert in curriculum design and construction, implementing different subject areas with high levels of impact.
- Instructional Coach for teachers at all levels of development.
- Leadership at all levels, including Headship.
- Voracious reader of educational research.
- Deep knowledge and experience of curriculum design and implementation.
- Leader of teaching and learning and continuous professional development.
- Proven track record of coaching and mentoring teachers and middle leaders towards excellence.
- Leadership impact in moving Woodlands Primary School to ‘Good’ in all areas.